Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Catalyst Control Center not load

After install there is a directory like this


instead of 11-11 will be your number versions of driver
then enter in

and run all the installers from subdirectories

Then you have a Catalyst Control Center active on right click of the mouse and in Start/Programs

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Borderlands Error General Protection Fault

Borderlands Error General Protection Fault
My resolve,
 from C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\steamapps\common\borderlands\Prerequisites\
 I run PhysX_8.10.29_SystemSoftware.exe who install PhysX and then it works.
It seems Steam Borderlands  forget to reinstall PhysX is you uninstalled before this program

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

D112 - utilizarea caracteristicilor extinse nu mai este disponibila

Eroarea : Acest document a activat caracteristicile extinse ... Contactaţi autorul versiunii iniţiale a acestui document 

Rezolvarea la mine : Aveam data calculatorului greşită, am pus data corectă (click pe ceasul din dreapta jos de pe bara de stare a Windows-ului)